January 6: The show trial, the movie…and Liz Cheney’s dyspepsia

Michael Lesher

Not every piece of political theater openly presents itself as political theater. But these aren’t ordinary times, heaven knows – and the show trial that goes under the popular name “the January 6 Committee” has been nothing if not consistently over the top.

So it was appalling, but not really a shock, to note that when the committee’s ringmasters got down to serious public business on June 9, the first thing they did was to premiere their own movie.

And what a movie!

Perfectly timed to monopolize mainstream media for the evening, the committee’s production turned out to be…

an expertly curated multimedia experience unlike any Congressional hearing in history. With revelatory clips from the committee’s interviews with Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr; never-before-seen and brilliantly edited footage of the rioters; and a wrenching live interview with a Capitol police officer injured in the melee.”

I’m quoting, word for word, from Jodi Rudoren, who used to recycle Israeli propaganda for the New York Times and is now (poetic justice?) reduced to gushing about a “multimedia experience” that – if offered at a genuine inquest, not a show trial aimed at stifling political dissent – could only have been reported as the national disgrace it actually was.

But grab your popcorn, folks! A movie is a movie; when has Trump-baiting ever been hampered by rules of evidence? Who needs facts when you can watch doctored testimony on a big screen?

Why ask about the legal definition of “insurrection” (a question that makes nonsense out of the committee’s putative mission) when you can sit back and enjoy “brilliantly edited footage” of the first “coup” that had to be synthesized in a cutting room?

And why even think about the only violent death that occurred during all the trouble – that of Ashli Babbitt, a slight, unarmed protester shot dead by a cop for no apparent reason – when you can hang on every word of that “wrenching interview” with a different police officer who was prepared to say exactly what the committee (and Rudoren) wanted to hear?

So much for the June 9 teleplay.

And yet, the worst part – for me, anyway – was that none of it was really a surprise. If anything had remained of the committee’s bona fides after it wasted ten months on procedural ballyhoo (who’s getting the next subpoena?…will he appear?…let’s make some headlines!), the last vestige of its credibility was trashed by the committee members themselves as they stormed TV political talk shows three days after airing their feature film to deliver their prearranged verdict against the former President.

According to Rep. Jamie Raskin, Trump was guilty because he said he had won the election when he should have known he hadn’t. “He had to have known he was spreading a ‘Big Lie,’” Raskin solemnly informed CNN’s “State of the Union” on June 12.

By that standard, I guess, you’d also have to bracket Al Gore with Hitler if it turned out that some campaign-trail bigwig whispered in his ear (Gore’s, not Hitler’s) that he probably didn’t get enough votes to carry Florida in 2000.

And Rutherford B. Hayes, who actually managed to reverse the results of the presidential election of 1876 on the basis of claims every bit as dubious as Trump’s – was he a traitor, too?

Or have I missed something?

But why quibble about logic? While Raskin was declaring bad political sportsmanship a federal crime, Rep. Adam Schiff was concocting an even bolder guilt-by-association theory on ABC, where he claimed that the committee’s hearings would demonstrate “connections” between “people in Trump’s orbit and white nationalist groups that participated in the attacks [sic].”

Asked how he could prove this, the Congressman sniffed, “You’ll just have to wait until we get to that point of our hearings.”

Schiff’s committee is supposed to have interviewed more than 1,000 people since last July, but of course it’s way too early to have any evidence to back up inflammatory accusations – though not too early to air them on national television.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Almost a year ago, I underlined how popular media had already fabricated the myth of the January 6 “coup attempt.” Within days of the protest at the Capitol, its participants had been demonized as – take your pick – “fascists” (PBS), “white supremacists” (CNN), or a violent “mob” bent on paralyzing the United States government (USA Today).

And everyone seemed to accept the dogma that the demonstrators, collectively, had staged an armed “insurrection” that only just failed to turn the United States into a right-wing dictatorship.

Indeed, typical of the early propaganda was New York Magazine’s accusation that the “goal” of the “mob” was “threatening or killing officials” of the U.S. government; The New Republic went so far as to insist that the protesters sought “the mass execution of Democratic politicians and prominent liberals” – although, of course, not a single politician was attacked on January 6, let alone “executed.”

For anyone who remembers what really happened, that distinction belongs to Ashli Babbitt – whose name is never mentioned by the January 6 committee or by the popular media breathlessly reporting its every pronouncement.

Judging from its opening night, the committee still expects us to believe that the protesters who entered the Capitol on January 6 fully intended to make corpses and to extinguish American democracy. It doesn’t seem to matter that only a handful of them have been accused of possessing “weapons” of any kind (most of which seem to have been flagpoles).

In fact, a grand total of one of those “terrorists” even thought to bring a gun to the “coup.” (And never drew it, according to police.)

Not to mention that if one riot at the Capitol amounted to an attempted overthrow of the government, you’d probably have to say the same thing about the violent protests that erupted after Donald Trump’s election victory in 2016.

And what about the Democratic members of Congress who tried to prevent the certification of that election by the Electoral College the following January? Needless to say, such questions aren’t being posed by the committee or in the liberal press.

But after all, the ringmasters have never relied much on facts; they prefer to ply their audience with emotional images and wait for it to salivate like Pavlov’s dogs.

Thus, nobody on opening night mentioned the old lie about Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick being clubbed over the head with a fire extinguisher by one of the “insurrectionists.”

Instead, the committee flashed onto a viewing screen a momentary freeze-frame of a policeman, supposedly Sicknick, holding a hand over his face while a “witness” gave a description of events that didn’t match the picture but insisted on Sicknick being “as white as this sheet of paper” as he held “his face in his hands.”

Did the poignant image we saw match the story the committee wanted us to believe?

It was awfully hard to tell from the ringmasters’ own video. And the whole thing was irrelevant in any case: there’s no evidence connecting Sicknick’s death the next day (from natural causes) with anything that happened at the protest. But who cared? The concatenation of images – Sicknick’s name, a covered face, the words “white as paper” – rendered truth irrelevant; it worked directly on the emotions of the estimated 19 million viewers for whom the histrionics were designed in the first place.

And that was just the beginning. The high point of Thursday night’s emotional blitz was that “wrenching live interview” with Caroline Edwards – the police “witness” whose testimony so moved Jodi Rudoren. And who, we may ask, is Caroline Edwards?

According to the committee’s program notes, Edwards – a Capitol Police officer who looks like an actress and whose background just happens to be “a career in public relations” – was “the first law enforcement officer injured by rioters” on January 6.

She also claims to have been an eyewitness to a gruesome “war scene” as the protest intensified outside the Capitol.

Which certainly made for some popcorn-munching theater on June 9. But one might have expected a former New York Times bureau chief (which Rudoren is) to notice at least a few gaps in Edwards’ performance.

For one thing, why did the committee choose a witness who admittedly saw nothing that happened inside the Capitol – where any actual “coup attempt” would necessarily have taken place? Why wasn’t Edwards mentioned by any of the four law enforcement officers trotted out by that same committee as its star witnesses to anti-police violence during the protest at its first hearing back in July 2021?

(At the time, one of those cops insisted he had been “tortured” by a crowd that tried to “kill him with his own gun” – claims the committee has not even attempted to substantiate since then.)

And why didn’t the committee’s video document the “carnage” and “chaos” in which Edwards said she was “catching people as they fell” and “slipping in people’s blood”?

But given the priorities of Hollywood – the ones that counted, apparently – that blurry apocalypse was more than enough to make the committee’s point. In fact, according to Rudoren, another set of images at the hearing upstaged even pretty Ms. Edwards. And since you probably can’t guess what they were, I’ll quote Rudoren once again:

[I]n some ways the most powerful images of the night were the expressions on [Rep. Liz] Cheney’s face…. Cheney wore a look of profound disappointment and deep distaste.”

The emphasis is mine; otherwise I have quoted Ms. Rudoren verbatim. And her message could hardly have been clearer. Forget the truth, folks. Forget about what really happened to whom. Forget even about that “multimedia presentation” the committee spent so much time fabricating. Just look at Liz Cheney’s face while the Wyoming congresswoman does all the looking for you.

After all, it’s entirely too passé to think for yourselves. Today we keep our mouths shut and take our cues from a politician’s facial expressions. Goodbye, democratic government; hello, Liz Cheney’s dyspeptic grimaces!

Which brings me to the real point of the January 6 committee proceedings. The partisan aspect of this show trial is too obvious to need emphasis here. But there’s a lot more to the theater than an attempt to disqualify Donald Trump from seeking political office – though, of course, that’s part of the mix.

At bottom, these hearings are a kind of morality play – a public ritual that both invokes Divine Justice and adumbrates where its verdict will fall. The show-trial-cum-exorcism that commenced on June 9, laden with symbols of threatened virtue and guilt by association, is designed to dramatize in miniature a totalitarian religion that divides Absolute Good (center-liberal government) from Absolute Evil (grassroots dissent).

The Biden administration has already made a point of defining its critics as nonpersons: white supremacists, enemies of democracy, the awful “unvaccinated.” Now hoi polloi are to be purged altogether of any temptation to challenge the machinations of the ruling class. The ultimate crime of the January 6 protesters was not, in the end, that some of them trespassed on government property, or that an even smaller number scuffled with police.

No, the protesters’ unpardonable offense was to cry, “This is our house!” as they surrounded the Capitol. And that’s why they have to be demonized: because, right or wrong in their protest’s specific objective, they believed all too sincerely in what Abraham Lincoln said at Gettysburg about “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” They were traitors – because they declared their faith in democracy.

That’s why the committee’s ringmasters are scapegoating every single man and woman who disputed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election as a racist or a proto-Nazi, even though only a small fraction of the January 6 protesters had any connection to the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Aryan Nations or Three Percenters.

That’s why the committee is pinning all the blame for the fracas on the few hundred protesters who entered the Capitol, while not even trying to challenge federal officials who allowed a disorganized bunch of unarmed demonstrators inside what is supposed to be one of the most zealously guarded buildings in the United States.

And this, mind you, despite the fact that General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – whose consent would have been required for the deployment of National Guard or military personnel to the Capitol on January 6 – told his aides (according to a newly-published book) that Trump reminded him of Hitler and that he was determined to see Joe Biden installed as President “come hell or high water.”

Bear in mind that Time Magazine (yes, Time Magazine), less than a month after the protest, could already report that a “conspiracy” between “left-wing activists and business titans” had managed to ensure that the Trump supporters who converged on the Capitol on January 6 “were met by virtually no counterdemonstrators” who might otherwise have had to share the blame for “any mayhem.”

Is it too much to ask of a committee supposedly dedicated to investigating the events of January 6 to hope it might inquire into whether General Milley, and some of colleagues, had anything to do with that “conspiracy” and whether they deliberately let the protest get just far enough out of hand to publicly discredit Trump and establish a pretext for demonizing all such protests in the future? The committee’s refusal to ask such questions only underscores its anti-democratic objectives.

And please don’t be fooled by the absence of any reference to COVID19 during the committee’s opening act. The COVID coup may not be in the foreground now, but it lurks just behind every surface.

The show trial we’re watching now was, and is, the culmination of a process that began in March 2020 when we were told the First Amendment’s right to assemble was a suicide pact.

It gathered strength when the governors of some forty states turned themselves into quasi-dictators, and neither the courts, the press, nor the political opposition did anything to stop them.

It took its inspiration from a series of high-profile frauds, from public muzzling to arbitrary confinements to “vaccine passports,” that for over two years have swindled citizens of basic freedoms under the false flag of “safety.”

Its systematic unscrupulousness mirrors the rights-busting propaganda blitz that has made social media off limits to unwelcome truth-telling and continues to demand that we dose ourselves, and our children, with untested drugs whose safety our government specifically refuses to ensure.

And once the January 6 protest is officially pronounced the work of Satan – as it will be when the committee’s work is done – the next steps will almost certainly take aim at the future of dissent.

Justin Trudeau has already given us a taste of that future with the police-state tactics he deployed to crush the truckers’ protest in Ottowa: scrapping civil rights protections by declaring an “emergency,” imposing outlandish fines on peaceful protesters, and “freezing” the bank accounts of anyone who contributed to the demonstrations or who even attended a protest.

That’s what you need to remember whenever you happen to watch a rerun of the January 6 committee’s “multimedia experience”: this process isn’t over. It has only begun. And it isn’t just about some unruly Trump supporters.

It’s about you.

This time, people who milled around in the Capitol lobby on January 6 got locked up without bail and slapped with federal felony charges. Tomorrow – who knows? Once Big Brother finds out that you once sent $25 to the wrong political cause, you might be the one behind the eight ball, condemned without a trial, unable to buy food or pay the rent.

And Washington’s next movie might end up featuring you among the enemies of the State.

Political theater, meet Theater of the Absurd.

No – ritual virtue-signaling, meet the short road to dictatorship.

Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.


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Sep 10, 2023 11:31 AM

The cops in the footage of the fake riot were in reality crisis actors. There is footage of them changing into fake cop uniforms whilst the marchers practiced their invectives at them

Sep 10, 2023 11:29 AM

“And everyone seemed to accept the dogma that the demonstrators, collectively, had staged an armed “insurrection” that only just failed to turn the United States into a right-wing dictatorship.”

Please be careful how you word things. It was staged only in the sense that it was a bunch of paid crisis actors. Staged = fake and rehearsed not “pulled off a real insurrection”

Mar 15, 2023 11:48 AM

Just wondering with regards to the questions to the FBI and other Agencies in and around J6/Insurrection, might not be eliciting what everyone thinks is the proper response because the question is worded wrongly? ?

In responding to questions about FBI having undercover Agents, maybe the response are legally correct and appropriate.

Maybe a question along the lines off ‘Is the FBI aware of/involved with any War Game/Riot type scenarios being played out in/around J6?’, is more appropriate?

Leticia Brewer
Leticia Brewer
Jun 23, 2022 9:52 AM

Babbit was not shot. She was an actor in the psyop. Off Guardian should not allow articles like this to confuse people. its already been established that the entire thing was staged

Leticia Brewer
Leticia Brewer
Jun 23, 2022 9:42 AM

`The biggest psyop yet to be uncovered is that Trump was an actor playing a president to camouflage Obama’s continued presidency. Obama, like all presidents, represents billionaires like Trump. Biden is also pretending to be president. Come on people it’s been obvious from day one. Why does the author keep calling January 6 a coup. It was a cheesy Hollywood psyop

Jun 21, 2022 9:56 AM

If there was any doubt people haven’t not waken up yet from the political zombie programme – the comment section sure confirmed it.

Leticia Brewer
Leticia Brewer
Jun 23, 2022 9:44 AM
Reply to  entitled2

What do you mean?

Jun 20, 2022 5:12 PM

In the UK Johnson goes into hospital for a “routine operation”….

At best, this is normalising the idea that middle-aged men need “routine operations”; at worst, one might wonder about mind-control and if the “act crazy” dial hasn’t been turned up to eleven.

The “progressive” media have of course turned it into an issue of “queue jumping” and that everyone is begging for access to their allopathic remedies and so should you.

Jun 21, 2022 10:02 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Another fake visit to hospital on a solstice just like his fake ICU 3 day resurrection during equinox when U.K become the 3rd country to lock down.

Sep 10, 2023 11:34 AM
Reply to  entitled2


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 20, 2022 5:00 PM

It’s amusing to observe the somber and dark faces of these despicable actors and actresses. They do a pretty good job of it. About as believable as the 9/11 Commission…

Jun 20, 2022 12:59 PM

If the Dems have the aim of barring Trump from running in 2024, they will have signed their death warrant. The only thing holding back a DeSantis victory in 2024 is Trump.

Jun 20, 2022 10:13 AM

They’ll use anything to damn Trump… except his visits to Epstein Island. Like everyone, I don’t know exactly what Trump got up to on the island because there’s been no proper investigation but I know his name appears in the ‘black book’ flight log. So do many others – none of whom have been investigated either.

Funny how that’s worked

Jun 21, 2022 4:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

When a reporter was investigating Epstein’s island Trump was the only notable who agreed to talk to him. Also Trump had a falling out with Epstein even he discovered Epstein was trying to recruit women at a Trump event. He may have visited, but I don’t think Trump was a regular patron of the Island.

Jun 20, 2022 1:25 AM


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 20, 2022 12:35 AM

Trump’s 12-page statement on the Jan 6 Unselect Committee

Trump calls Jan. 6 hearings ‘desperate’ attempt by Democrats in 12-page response
On Monday, former President Donald Trump issued a 12-page statement reiterating his previous claims about the 2020 election
Jun 15, 2022

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 20, 2022 5:09 PM

I’ve never been a Trump fan, but his take on what happened within the farcical “election” process of November 2019 is spot on. The current regime consists of hundreds of treasonous bastards that need to be hung out to dry.

The January 6 “insurrection” was a beautifully executed CIA psyop…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 20, 2022 10:40 PM

The whole thing is a series of traps within traps, with everything being recorded, but the outcome will depend on who gets the power to prosecute. If it’s the Trump side, then some of the case is set out in that statement, and it seems likely they will focus on the ballot trafficking (i.e. 2000 Mules). That’s easy for the public to understand and doesn’t necessarily undermine the entire system.

Leticia Brewer
Leticia Brewer
Jun 23, 2022 9:46 AM


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 23, 2022 3:30 PM
Reply to  Leticia Brewer

Hello Leticia Brewer: I probably should have used the term “selection” process. The sheer number of democratic contestants for the presidency was the first giveaway. The “election” fraud was pre-planned and solidified in early 2019. None of it was real. And Donald Trump knew it.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jun 20, 2022 12:03 AM

muh Fedsurrection … yawn.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 19, 2022 9:30 PM

This committee isn’t a “show trial”. It might only sound so because the facts being established have the look and feel of a criminal conspiracy. What it represents is real life colliding with the artificial reality created by media outlets, a reality born of relentless right wing propaganda served up as entertainment and garnished with numerous conspiracy theories. For those who were drawn into this alternative reality web the only way to maintain the belief system is to invent conspiracies about the process, hence branding this committee as a ‘show trail’. (Its a classic propaganda trick if you think about it.)

There is a much darker reality swirling around all this but people on the whole don’t notice it even though its in plain sight. A world that’s in thrall to big money, governed by a clique of the well heeled and well connected that maintains an artificial reality through relentless propaganda (and the threat of significant violence for those who refuse to toe the line) is a world dominated by fascism. We don’t recognize it because most of us have been conditioned to think that its a world of black and white newsreels and ranting Germans, as they say now (and said back then) “It Can’t Happen Here”. Watch it happen. It won’t be parades in the streets, that’s just street theater, it will be more like South America in the 70s, a “low budget” fascism that’s more substance than show. Life will be OK provided you follow the program, don’t complain and don’t make waves (although there will be a limited amount of sanctioned dissent most likely, it just won’t lead anywhere).

I never thought I’d be living on the set of a dytopian si-fi movie but here we are.

Jun 20, 2022 10:10 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The Trotskyite show trials are usually prsented by Western historians as complete fabrications – but it looks now as if at least some of the allegations had some truth to them. Reality inverted as usual. (P.S. This isn’t of course to defend those trials or deny there wasn’t plenty in them that was invented).

The first Soviet show trial concerned alleged ‘wrecking’ by Metro-Vickers’ workers. I’m very curious about these because Metro-Vickers are one of those globalist arms’ companies who usually fly under the radar. John Coleman flagged up that they were major players.

Jun 23, 2022 10:53 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The Soviets so called show trials were very real. Wrecking and espionage was huge in the USSR at the time.

Jun 20, 2022 1:59 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Personally, I think ” show trial” is a good description of the hearings — people are being victimized by this phony trial, as usual, Trump is portrayed as the chief villain, and it is designed to push the Democrat political agenda — all being done as a publuc spectacle. Your second paragraph does capture the bigger reality. I am not sure how long it will be possible to ignore that. Not long, I suspect.

Jun 19, 2022 8:34 PM

Keep beating the drums on domestic terrorism, and keep the ‘insurrection’ narrative in the news for the next false flag psyop, whether at the Supreme Court for Roe v. Wade or the midterm elections. Dovetails with “guns – lots of guns” (Neo) the Matrix is also now directing audience attention to. Politics is spectacle.

Jun 19, 2022 8:16 PM

Other interesting news which you don’t hear too much about, but makes sense… A quantitative analysis on sea men (misspelled in the hope it will save me this time from the pending dungeon)


Jun 19, 2022 8:00 PM

We interrupt the side show trial movie to play a trailer from the main show. Pepe Escobar reports from St.Petersburg:

“The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum  has been for years now absolutely essential to understand the evolving dynamics of Eurasia integration. SPIEF 2022 is even more crucial: it connects three simultaneous developments I previously outlined, in no particular order:

First, the coming of the “new G8” – four BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China), plus Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico, whose GDP per purchasing parity power (PPP) already dwarfs the old, western-dominated G8.

Second, the Chinese “Three Rings” strategy of developing geo-economic relations with its neighbors and partners.

Third, BRICS+, extending BRICS to recognize the “new G8,” to be discussed at the upcoming summit in China.

President Putin was the star of St. Petersburg 2022, delivering a sharp, detailed speech to the plenary session:

Among the highlights, Putin smashed the illusions of the so-called ‘golden billion’ ie, the industrialized west (only 12 percent of the global population) and the “irresponsible macroeconomic policies of the G7 countries.”

The Russian president noted how “EU losses [self inflicted] due to sanctions against Russia” could exceed $400 billion per year, and that Europe’s high energy prices – which started “in the third quarter of last year” [ie, well before Ukraine crisis] – are actually due to “a blind belief in renewables.”

“Chinese President Xi Jinping, addressing the Global South, evoked “true multilateralism”: that emerging markets must have “a say in global economic management”.

Kazakh President Tokayev, a deeply strategic partner of both Russia and China, delivered the punch line to Xi’s restrained address: Eurasia integration should progress hand in hand with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


Jun 20, 2022 1:00 AM
Reply to  NickM

Saw a little bit of it earlier. I liked Putin’s quip regarding the speculations over his health:

Quoting Mark Twain, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated

Alec David Ward
Alec David Ward
Jun 19, 2022 7:58 PM

“Jodi Rudoren became Editor-in-Chief of the Forward in 2019”

The forward used to be a brave left wing Jewish site which regularly ran articles critical of the messianic religious nut cases running apartheid Israel

Rabbi Saadya – “The Jew by his source and in his very essence is entirely good. The goy, by his source and in his very essence is completely evil”


Rudoren has turned it into a joke

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 19, 2022 7:39 PM

She’s either a plant or she’s stupid!

Either way, the Great Awakening does not need these people.

June 17, 2022
Beverly Hills anti-vaccine doctor says her ‘reputation has been utterly shredded’ as she is jailed for two months for storming the U.S. Capitol to give speech during riot
A California anti-vaccine doctor has been sentenced to two months in prison for storming the US Capitol on January 6, with a 12 month supervised release
Dr. Simone Gold gave a speech inside the Capitol building during the riot

comment image

Maybe she could have used that bullhorn to warn people that it was a trap!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 19, 2022 9:34 PM

The only thing she did wrong was apologize,

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 19, 2022 11:55 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Gold told the Post that she had traveled to Washington to speak at a ‘Rally for Health Freedom’ on the East side of the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6.

So she got people to congregate near the Capitol and presumably some of them also went in; perhaps following Gold.

Was Gold too stupid to realise that the whole thing was a trap? People could have wandered on to the Capitol grounds without realising they were trespassing, but once the aggravation started (contrived other otherwise), it would have been time to leave. Also, when people entered the building, they were clearly not doing so as tourists.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 20, 2022 1:34 AM

“when people entered the building, they were clearly not doing so as tourists.”

They were also clearly not doing so as “insurrectionists.”

Jun 20, 2022 9:22 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

When people entered the building, they were being let in by the police…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 20, 2022 5:17 PM

The Getty image looks totally photo shopped. No one “stormed” the capital. They were allowed into the public facility by authorized persons. The entire charade was a CIA psyop.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 20, 2022 10:06 PM

To me, it looks like it’s probably real; but almost definitely contrived. I think the whole thing was set up as a massive photo-shoot.

Leticia Brewer
Leticia Brewer
Jun 23, 2022 10:41 AM

This is a very contradictory statement. That’s what CUaa sock puppets are good at

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 24, 2022 1:50 AM
Reply to  Leticia Brewer

In a photo shoot, the photos are real but the staging is contrived. Whereas with photoshop, the photos are fake. Is that too complicated for you?

Leticia Brewer
Leticia Brewer
Jun 23, 2022 10:40 AM

Someone needs to tell that to author of this article. He’s not portraying it as a completely staged event

Jun 19, 2022 6:40 PM

anti pride statement!  😀 
comment image

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 19, 2022 7:14 PM

That’s a tall assumption. More than a few gay men who tried passing, even to the point of getting married and having kids.

Jun 19, 2022 8:12 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Yeah, not to mention that gay men who weren’t trying to “pass” or otherwise repress their homosexuality have fathered children.

This triumphalist slogan is a variation of the smug “fundamentalist” homophobia expressed in the would-be slam-dunk zinger, “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!”

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 19, 2022 8:27 PM

The Gay Monkeys candy is Skittles enjoy the rainbow.
Corporate commercialism is easy to pyschological decipher, new Duck coloured Tape..for Home Guys (?).

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Jun 26, 2022 4:43 PM

Not always entirely true!

I know many homosexuals who got married and had kids. In the zeitgeist when I was growing up, being Queer was extremely dangerous. Especially in South Africa.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Jun 19, 2022 6:29 PM

While there’s so much that can be guessed, I offer but one more, Democrats need Trump. They won’t let him go. He serves them and those who rule, much like the pseudo pandemic.

But for sure this play is the ultimate farse. There is nothing believable about it, nor the other two “impeachments”, this being a continuation. However, like the pseudo pandemic, this farse is played for the believers who want to belong to something, this or that.

The panel consists of characters who would fit nicely into a Salem Crucible.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Jun 20, 2022 4:51 PM
Reply to  Art Costa

100% – the narrative needs the villain or it all falls apart. Keeps eyes and clickers on MSNBC and more importantly away from any inward soul searching on the part of your standard upper middle class clueless Dem. God forbid they think for a milisecond about how their party failed the working class so horribly the Obama – Trump voter was a thing.

Jun 20, 2022 11:00 PM
Reply to  Art Costa

The second impeachment was what stopped Trump from pardoning Snowden and Assange.

Jun 19, 2022 6:20 PM

I think the real agenda here is to permanently bar Trump from office. They also probably hope that doing so will scatter the MAGA movement. I think the author is right that the J6 trial will be used to stifle dissent in the future, along with public health justifications. If they ban or jail Trump and justify greater crackdowns on protest, they will be pleased.

Wes Smith
Wes Smith
Jun 19, 2022 6:03 PM

Trump supporters made the mistake that they could act like liberals as in the vein of Occupy Wall Street and the 2020 riots and nothing would happen to them, as violence had become the de facto way to settle differences. They didn’t get the memo that only violence in pursuit of liberal causes is permissible.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 19, 2022 5:56 PM

As a Brit, these haven’t been >ordinary times< since 1968 Bank, emotionally I'd say since '76. Not that it makes or will make any difference to the generational continum along with their policymaking programmer advocates of nothing nor anyone is left behind as they along with us novelistic junkers continue the latest to arrive through the letterbox, already commercially robotically stamped post dated.
Realisation better commonly expressed as the age of reason has nothing to do with a generation nor with age imo.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 19, 2022 5:42 PM

RE: The show trial we’re watching now was, and is, the culmination of a process that began in March 2020…

In an otherwise excellent article I disagree with this statement above. I think a more accurate date would have been November 8th, 2016! It is within the realm of possibility, that Trump was an unwitting actor, but Trump’s whole presidency was a psy-op, a totally controlled operation from the beginning.Trump couldn’t even control his “own” Coronavirus committee.

Jun 19, 2022 8:15 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I think the 2016 election results was a total surprise to Washington. I do not believe the Washington Establishment thought there was anyway in hell Trump could beat Hillary Clinton-the chosen one.

Once he became president he did not have the skills/knowledge, IMO, to deal with all sleazy back room conspirators/politicians that made his presidency less than it could have been. Having said that he did accomplish some good things for the country while fighting back stabbing conniving people in his administration and in congress.

He didn’t help himself with his combative personality, food fights with Rosie O’Donell, John McCain, etc, and poor choices in his administration. He was not king. He had to work within a very corrupt system and with very corrupt people.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 19, 2022 8:53 PM
Reply to  Mark41

RE: I think the 2016 election results was a total surprise to Washington.

That’s the standard narrative. Mark Crispin Miller, who is very knowledgeable of sorry state of the US electoral process (one of the worst in the developed world – contrary to the MSM propaganda to the contrary) and who wrote a book on the stolen election of 2004 believes that Trump indeed lost in 2016, but was placed in office to (mis)manage the governments Covid “response.” (Russiagate was a CIA op all along with eager cooperation from the MSM and the Democratic Party.) He also believes that Trump actually won in 2022. There are Deep State actors who decide who gets elected in the US. The idea that the American public decide who rules the White House is a joke. It is likely that in the US, we haven’t had a “fair election” for over 100 years.

Jun 20, 2022 5:06 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

That may very well be. I do agree that the U.S. electoral process is the worst in the developed world-the most corrupt in the developed world, IMO.

I hear Trump mismanaged the Covid response, but I don’t see that at all. What has anyone or leadership in any other country done that was better or got better results. It is hard to tell though since there was no uniform way WW to account for deaths. The U.S. medical establishment CDC, FDA, gave financial incentives for hospitals and physicians to declare deaths due to Covid, which may not have been the case, to drive death numbers up.

Specifically what did other countries do that we didn’t do under Trump. Masks, Isolation, forced vaccinations, ? Some states were much more aggressive than others implementing restrictions and got similar results. I think the whole Covid debacle was a scam that quite possibly was purposely released to move the WW globalist strategy forward. Who knows?

Jun 19, 2022 5:37 PM

Another lunatic in charge…..

British troops must prepare “to fight in Europe once again” as the war in Ukraine continues, the new head of the Army has warned.
General Sir Patrick Sanders took over from General Sir Mark Carleton Smith on Monday and wrote to his charges about the challenges they face.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine underlines our core purpose to protect the UK by being ready to fight and win wars on land,” he said.
“There is now a burning imperative to forge an Army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle.

Jun 19, 2022 7:46 PM
Reply to  Grafter

And yet the same Army is to be simultaneously reduced in size? Would seem slightly contradictory  🙄 

The Government set out plans last year to reduce the size of the regular Army, lowering the target size from 82,000 personnel to 72,500 by 2025.


Jun 19, 2022 8:24 PM
Reply to  Grafter

These British generals and other NATZO dinosaurs is beginning to wake up to the fact that Russia’s SMO In Ukraine was exactly that: a Special Military Operation to de-Natzofy Ukraine. So there will be No NATZO Nukes in Ukraine.

But the SMO is only the first stage toward Russia’s stated objective: No NATZO Nukes East of Berlin.

If these old dinosaurs are determined to have a pan-European war rather than reverse NATZO’s treacherous operation of sneaking nukes into Poland etc after Gorbachev withdrew, so be it. But remember what happened to the dinosaurs.

And remember what happened when EU$A dinosaurs “sanctioned” Russia: they laid a 400Billion euro price rise on the heads of our long-suffering EU$$ie sheeple. Please don’t shear the sheeple too short, because it’s going to be a cold winter — followed by a blinding hot summer if the dinosaurs have their way.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 19, 2022 10:52 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Oh yea, These War Spit un Polish Cronies love the word Allies, fucking Puffs.

Jun 19, 2022 11:20 PM
Reply to  Grafter

These ‘generals’ sound so idiotically-contradictory when one looks at the NATO invasion/s of IRAQ, LIBYA and SYRIA and the quite blatant theft of these countries resources. Who is benefiting from these wars-of-aggression? It is certainly NOT the people of the UK, US, AUST, CANADA, etc. We can soon put a stop to the warmongering arse-holes in Whitehall, Washington Canberra and Trudeauville. If ‘general’ thingymebob wants to fight in Europe once again, let him go right ahead, at his own expense and the expense of the Multi-corps who want to sacrifice the lives of our brave soldiers, for their personal plundering. Let’s see how keen they really are about wanting to tangle with Russia (and China) when it is their personal finances they’re using for their warmongering bullsheet.
The 5-Eyes should not commit even one more cent for the gratuitous warmongering of the already obscenely rich tyrants. They want a WAR … let them pay for it.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 19, 2022 4:32 PM

I am a septuagenarian USA ex-pat, who to the best of my knowledge is still registered to vote in the state of Florida. I spent over half my life as a far left progressive, though unlike the current crop of progressives, I had firmly believed in the Bill of Rights, the non-aggression principle, and basic truth and decency. The last time I voted for president was in 1996, for Ralph Nader. I would currently describe myself as an Agorist, which might also be described as an anarcho-libertarian. I believe that all formal forms of government are the millennial long invention of a predator class.

I give that background to indicate that I don’t have a dog in this fight. However, I do agree will all the points of Lesher’s arguments but one.

According to Rep. Jamie Raskin, Trump was guilty because he said he had won the election when he should have known he hadn’t. “He had to have known he was spreading a ‘Big Lie,’” Raskin solemnly informed CNN’s “State of the Union” on June 12.”

I did a somewhat cursory investigation of whether the majority of Repub voters’ claims that the election was “stolen,” and the conclusion I came to, was a very probable yes. Since I regard both sides as disgusting and controlled by our Overlords to engender as much divide and conquer anger as possible, I am about as unbiased as is possible. I did not vote for Mr. Warp Speed and regarded him as a highly flawed candidate, if less sunk into demonic, homicidal evil as the Beast, and on a more prosaic level, the Grifter Pedo. When I say cursory, I regarded the election outcome as inconsequential in the broad scheme of things, and did not delve into the details with the years long interest which I had the 9/11 false flag inside job, or even the Sandy Hook or Boston Marathon hoaxes.

Jun 19, 2022 4:28 PM

If anything had remained of the committee’s bona fides after it wasted ten months on procedural ballyhoo

The whole point of this charade was to synchronize it with the mid-term election cycle. It is one big Gesamtkunstwerk of a negative campaign ad. More effective than individual ads, because it self-propagates in the news-hungry infosphere. And with the tax payer footing the bill, there is little or no cost to the DNC war chest.

Jun 19, 2022 4:03 PM
Jun 19, 2022 4:00 PM

The trouble these days as to the old days there were actually revolutions people fought on the battlefields for freedom, Now people have been babyfied distracted and Governments have taken over the infants.If you watch politicians now they don’t give a shite what they do what they say what rules they implement because they know there’s not a damn thing we are going to do about.

Jun 19, 2022 5:33 PM
Reply to  Annie

So true. We are back to Taxation Without Representation, but our population has grown soft and we just go along to get along.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 19, 2022 9:24 PM
Reply to  Annie

Wrong, individual continually do something it, only the fooled believe they are paying for water and not the convenient vessel.

Jun 19, 2022 3:16 PM

This ‘show’ spectacle, re: January 6, like the Assange ‘trial’ is an insult to our collective intelligence. Moreover, much like the Assange debacle … they’re both an utter waste of tax-payer’s money.
It is abundantly clear that the morality of the legal systems in the 5-Eyes countries
has sunken to levels of indescribable depraved madness, beyond human comprehension. What passes for ‘The LAW’ is beneath contempt. it has become clear that the barbarians are really in control.

Jun 19, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

The barbarians came up with the concept of Law to cement their rule in place forever. In that context, The Law has always been beneath contempt.

Jun 19, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

But without laws and rules for a society we have chaos. A good example is the U.S. southern border with Mexico. The law states the Federal Government is responsible for enforcing immigration laws and the security of our borders. States are not allowed, even when the Feds don’t. So we have an open border and millions of illegal immigrants are flowing in-chaos.

Jun 19, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  Mark41

If we took a minute to reflect on the honesty of human migration/s … ‘Illegal’ immigrants have been flowing into the Americas since Amerigo Vespuci’s days. Therefore, I suspect that I should agree with Howard’s comment, i.e. human laws are intended to be divisive and favour the barbarians-in-suits.
If one took just a few moments to observe the dog’s-breakfast of geopolitics and/or the internal machinations of national and international politics … one would have to walk away scratching their head in in bewildered disgust, at the sheer madness of it all.
Even my Pfizer ‘Fukitol’ tablets are not helping me these days …

Jun 20, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Well I have always said that humans are flawed. Some humans are more flawed than others and maybe the barbarians-in-suits fall in the latter category. I do know that people in power can and do choose the establishment laws to enforce and/or who to enforce them on.

But do we not have countries with boundaries.

Jun 19, 2022 3:11 PM

The “January 6 Committee” is without a doubt “ Political Theater”. It was configured as a highly partisan committee with no intent to get to the truth of January 6. IMO, the whole purpose is to damage Trump and possibly find something, anything, where they can make a legal accusation and charge. The left and establishment politicians want Trump and the MAGA movement to just go away. This is just one more attempt at that objective.

The January 6 rally and protest that turned into rioting and capital intrusion was not just about Trump. It was driven by the frustration of millions of U.S. citizens that see our country moving away from our founding principles. The Rule Of Law which has been a strength of our endurance has morphed into political justice and the 2020 election was just another example. Election procedures were changed in an unlawful manner. There were a significant amount of evidence of corruption and fraud in the election, but the DOJ, State Government Officials, Judges, and Courts did not, would not investigate the evidence.

The purpose of the January 6 Rally, I believe, was to bring attention to this flawed and corrupt election and try to get the certification of electors delayed so certain states could review evidence of corruption to determine if they should change the electors sent to congress for certification. The intent was never to overturn the election by forcing other electors be certified.

So here we are with a sham committee doing another hit job on Trump and the people who support him and the MAGA movement. The willing media is very happy to support and participate in this effort.

Jun 19, 2022 3:32 PM
Reply to  Mark41

The January 6th “event” was itself political theater; the committee hearing is simply Act 2.

For all we know, Liz Cheney could be Ashli Babbitt with a blonde wig and a bit of padding, while the “real” Liz Cheney hovers high above pulling Ms Babbitt’s features into the appropriate Congressional grimaces with strings.

Jun 19, 2022 3:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Oh I do agree the January 6 “Capital Event” was Phase1/Act1 and the committee hearing is Phase2/Act2. My imagination is not quite robust enough though to envision Liz Chaney as actually being Ashli Babbitt in a blond wig and padding. However, I guess anything is possible these days.

Jun 19, 2022 3:11 PM

Total embarrassment. From every point of view. Embarrassing that this is the best we can do for congressional representation. Embarrassing that this is happening. Embarrassing that people are letting it happen. It reflects on all of us. How did we get to this point that people are stooping this low? Is power so consuming that people lose all sense of self awareness when seeking it? Is this another form of Mass Formation Psychosis? Are the Democrats and RINOS hypnotized by their own propaganda? What an embarrassment. Totally. Fuck you NSA.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jun 19, 2022 3:01 PM

These distractions shows performed by scoundrels and terrorists are still very effective at keeping the HERDS of MMS/3i’s properly entertained and willing to keep on “voting” for them.

So keep up, herds of MMS/3i’s.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 19, 2022 2:40 PM

In dementia veritas:

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

— Joe Biden–

Jun 19, 2022 3:13 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Amazing, isn’t it. Talk about Freudian………

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jun 19, 2022 4:47 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Taht is no misprint, Joe Biden actually said this and the media never asked him about it or followed up on it. Thanks for reminding us.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 19, 2022 1:59 PM

Nicely written. But how many people in the world do you think give a rat’s ass about what happens in the USA? Especially as concerns their demented politics? The world is up in the towers watching, hopin’ they’re gonna die (Tom Verlaine).
Whatever hurts the US of As, helps humanity.

Jun 19, 2022 6:19 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Really? If we can just get rid of the pesky USA all will be good? George Soros and all the rest of them will lay down their weapons, stop the propaganda and lies, give up their machinations of owning every single thing on the planet, form a perfect democracy with full equality for all, and all the wars will end tomorrow? Who knew?

Sadly, what we are indeed watching is the formation of a global government by Corporation, but apparently non-USA Corporations are totally honest and really have all of our best interests at heart. Sounds like utopia, right? I’m just sure Bill Gates et al are down for that and can hardly wait to make it happen! Oh, but wait a minute, you mean a completely unelected, appointed government won’t be a government of the people, by the people and for the people as imperfect and messy as that is? It might actually be worse than the USA government by Corporation we have now? Say it isn’t so!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 20, 2022 9:04 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

“Pesky” US of As … dabble in comedy, do you?

Jun 19, 2022 1:25 PM

‘every bit as dubious as Trump’s’ ?!@?!??? – seriously, you have to be totally brainwashed and under the control of the deepstate media or knowingly lying through your teeth to believe Trump didn’t win the election.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 19, 2022 2:06 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Yep. In order to believe this election wasn’t stolen, you pretty much have to be ignorant, stupid, or complicit. Or some combination of the above.

Jun 19, 2022 3:15 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Mostly ignorant and stupid. Total embarrassment.

Jun 19, 2022 3:38 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Actually, every election in history was stolen – stolen from the Democracy playlist and put into the Tyranny playlist. There should be no voting – only a show of hands. And every hand should have a gun in it to remind the candidates who’s running the show.

Jun 19, 2022 4:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Kinda reminds me of Judge Roy Bean-look him up

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 19, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  Howard

Blimey, NRA lobbyist.,only joking! Hey, I was a member when I had guns. A Brit US NRA member if you like. 😉

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jun 19, 2022 1:23 PM

There used to be a time, although briefly, where the people owned the gov’t buildings and the gov’t itself was determined by the people.
In every western country, bar none, the ‘gov’t’ now own you, and all the buildings paid for by public money. In the case of Blighty this also included the major utility and transport companies. All eventually sold off for pennies on the pound and everyone involved made out like bandits, apart from the public, who built these companies.

I see Stephen Colbert and his team just got arrested doing exactly the same thing as was leveled at those attending the Jan 6th protest. IE: they wouldn’t leave the building. Perhaps another trial for ‘insurrection ‘is on the way?

Let’s hope they don’t spend 18months in solitary confinement before they are given their rights of a court hearing, although it would do the rest of us the world of good.

If a pantamime is good enough to explain a presidential murder, sept 11th, the shooter syops, to mention a few, sadly it will be good enough for the Jan 6th ‘riots’. The present rogue US gov’t is using its citizens as scapegoats and patsy’s.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 20, 2022 7:28 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Actually Brits Public utilities and transport aren’t British, there are pre.deregulated Sterling consortium’s in The City.
They haven’t been British for decades. The UK Essential Services infiltration of Corporate Business rocks its very Foundation instead of working Solutions to Specifics while continuing to Function.
Functionaries are men and women not shirt skirt investment player Hippo Big Gobs & Fat Arse Cronies.

I_left_the _left
I_left_the _left
Jun 19, 2022 1:16 PM

Great piece, thanks. Trump haters who claim he is just another tool of the cabal or US deep state will have to show how those setting up and running the show trials to destroy MAGA don’t know Trump is on their side.

Jun 19, 2022 1:12 PM

It’s time to send the Bat Signal.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 19, 2022 12:12 PM

Here we go again!

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting in 21 Minutes or Less
Wooz News
Feb 8, 2021
The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for preplanning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In this episode, we’re going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. Strap yourselves in- it’s going to be a bumpy ride… down the Babbitt hole.

Caravan To Midnight – A Scripted Affair
John B Wells & Wooz News
March 3, 2021

Ashli Babbitt, a slight, unarmed protester shot dead by a cop for no apparent reason

If the story had been true, rather than an obvious pile garbage, she deserved to get shot. Hence, although the story gets pushed by fake-alt sites like Gateway Pundit, most conservatives don’t give a damn about Babbitt.

Jun 19, 2022 1:27 PM

crap – even if the story had been true, there was no way she deserved to be shot –

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 19, 2022 2:00 PM
Reply to  siamdave

“Deserved” is a subjective opinion. For most conservatives, a person who is actively breaking into a property deserves to get shot. Many would go further and say that a burglar who is fleeing the property also deserves to get shot. Some would go even further and say that it is actually a duty!

On the evening of 20 August 1999, two burglars – Fearon (29) and Barras (16) – broke into Martin’s house.[10] Shooting downwards in the dark with his shotgun loaded with birdshot, Martin shot three times towards the intruders (once when they were in the stairwell and twice more when they were trying to flee through the window of an adjacent ground floor room). Barras was hit in the back and both sustained gunshot injuries to their legs. Both escaped through the window but Barras died at the scene.[3] Martin claimed that he opened fire after being woken when the intruders smashed a window. The prosecution accused him of lying in wait for the burglars and opening fire without warning from close range, in retribution for previous break-ins at his home.[11] On 10 January 2000, Fearon and Bark, 33 (who had acted as the getaway driver) . . . admitted to conspiring to burgle Martin’s farmhouse. Fearon was sentenced to three years in prison, and Bark to two-and-half years

Murder trial
On 23 August 1999, Martin was charged with the murder of Barras, the attempted murder of Fearon, “wounding with intent to cause injury” to Fearon and “possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life”.[10] Martin did not hold a valid shotgun certificate, let alone the more restrictive firearms certificate he would have needed to possess the Winchester pump-action shotgun that held a maximum of five rounds.

English law permits a person to kill another in self-defence only if the person defending themself uses no more than “reasonable force”; it is the responsibility of the jury to determine whether or not an unreasonable amount of force was used.[14] The jury at the trial were told that they had the option of returning a verdict of manslaughter rather than murder, if they thought that Martin “did not intend to kill or cause serious bodily harm”.[15] However, the jurors found Martin guilty of murder by a 10 to 2 majority.[16]

He was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a recommended minimum term to serve of nine years, soon afterwards reduced to eight years by the Lord Chief Justice.

Actually, English law allows any juror to find “not guilty” for any reason; and the individual verdict and the reasons are never publicly stated – nor are they disclosed to the court. I would have found Martin “not guilty”; and Fearon and Bark both guilty of manslaughter.

Jun 19, 2022 8:03 PM

I suspected the ‘storming’ was yet another fake event,as I thought at the time ‘how the fuck would anyone get anywhere near such a heavily secured building?’.
I’d not seen the video before, so thanks for posting!
I gave your post an upvote but it doesn’t count….and when I upvoted it again, I get the little red message that I’ve already voted for this comment.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 19, 2022 9:16 PM
Reply to  Claret

OffG are having a technical problem with the voting buttons.

The “everything wrong” video was published on 8 Feb 2021, and it’s been mirrored on a multitude of channels; hence the “again” lament. Although Wooz states that he’s non-aligned, the approach fits with one of the Trump strategies. That is, allow the Deep State to carry out these events, but collect a mass of evidence while they’re doing it. That way, lots of level-level people are caught in the act, and they will at some point be offered plea deals in order to take down the hierarchy. This strategy of collecting evidence was applied throughout the summer of 2020 and also during the election. But given the corruptness of the civilian justice system, the trials will be in military courts.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 19, 2022 11:08 AM

“Sadly the Nonsurrection Show continues with Orange Hair Bozo in the Peck’s Bad Boy role.” 
comment image

“The war racketeer corporate fascist Republicrat political toady hacks believe it will serve in part as a diversion for the big red white and blue member that is being shoved up our rectums.”

“ALL of them need to go, NOW!”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 19, 2022 2:23 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

MOVE, Philadelphia, May 1985.”
comment image

“Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, NOW!”

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 19, 2022 10:31 AM

“The war in Ukraine could last for years!”

But the war isn’t in Ukraine!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 19, 2022 10:25 AM

I agree that the murder of Ashlii should have led to charges laid, it was clear from the video that she was unarmed and had dozens of armed cops right behind her stopping her retreat.

I agree that much of it is theatre, but film shown here in Australia by an Australian journo. who was actually trapped inside shows terrible fear and violent rampages and for fuck’s sake screeching the Pelosi and Pence had to be killed and the vote for confirmation stopped is an attempted fucking coup.

Same as the break in at Watergate, no weapons or deaths but it was a coup attempt

I_left_the _left
I_left_the _left
Jun 19, 2022 12:38 PM

Lesher’s article shows with convincing evidence how obviously corrupt Democrat politicians are putting on a show trial to frame and destroy the MAGA movement. Success could prevent Trump’s reelection, and so cement into history the coup they mounted in the stolen elections of 2020. The staged ‘insurrection’ of January 6th was part of the same effort. Note that none of the many known state operatives who provoked protestors into entering the Capitol Hill are being investigated or locked up in solitary torture until today, without trial, as political prisoners. But many MAGA supporters are. Moreover, that some participants experienced fear on that day only proves realistic staging, not a Trump-directed coup. The evidence that Trump urged non-violent protest is being completely ignored, which should speak volumes to neutral investigators. Also, why not check out the clips in which Ray Epps and other state operatives were helped by Capitol police to lead MAGA protestors, get security doors opened from inside, and so walk into the trap? Such dirty tactics against political rivals are really nothing new. Readers who don’t already know should check out the infamous ‘Riechstag Fire’ of 1933, the attack on the German Parliament building which Hitler and Nazis staged to frame and destroy his political enemies, to panic the politicians into imposing the state of emergency in which he then seized power. Of course, if posters have already been convinced by the Capitol Hill show, have already condemned Trump like all the honest DC politicians have, or dislike the working-class Trump movement more than they hate the US state, then they won’t research or question anything.

Jun 19, 2022 1:33 PM

that Hitler did the Reichstag fire has been pretty thoroughly debunked, but of course you’re not going to hear about that in the corporate media, although they should be happy enough, it seems to have been a deranged commie, and they like to trash the commies these days –

Jun 19, 2022 1:31 PM

actually if it’s the FBI plants doing the screeching about killing, etc, as they herded the milling protesters into the Capital in the first place, with the help of the ‘guards’ opening the doors for them, it’s another false flag – they’re pretty good at it, having had lots of practice the last few years – and there was indeed a coup, as the deep state clearly stole the election from Trump, and he had every right to try to stop that coup – it’s just amazing that this happened and the whole world has been so brainwashed to hate trump they do and say nothing about it, completely obvious though it is – that pathetic biden thing sitting in his basement for several months got 81 million votes, more than any other candidate in history?!?!?!??! how f***ing gullible are all you people?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 19, 2022 3:04 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Hello siamdave: “People” as a majority, are quite gullible. They will select easy to chew dialog and spit it back at the water cooler or dinner table verbatim. Hyper-inflated media ploys and Hollywood acting have reduced frontal lobe skills to near zero. If the line plays well, and the actor appears convincing, the plebs will buy the tune every time.

The alleged January 6 “Inserection” was orchestrated by deep state FBI operatives owned by the Democratic National Committee and funded through their pharmaceutical balling buddies.

The 2019 “election” was a complete fraud… No one won…

K Mitchell
K Mitchell
Jun 19, 2022 1:38 PM

Tried to follow the link you provided for your claims, but sadly it didn’t exist, so I’ll just ignore the comment, k?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 19, 2022 2:11 PM

The coup attempt is the venal psychopaths sitting behind lecterns presenting this sham.

Jun 19, 2022 3:51 PM

A video circulating at the time clearly leaves the alleged “murder” of Ms Babbitt open to question (unless the video was doctored).

It showed Babbitt and several others standing around; then a policemen fired a gun; then Ashli fell. And then…and then – uh uh: and then along came…no one (as in NOT ONE PERSON) ducked for cover or rushed to poor Ms Ashli’s side. Cut! Print!

As if they already knew it was a pretend shooting. Just to put it all in perspective, have a listen:

The Coasters – Along Came Jones – YouTube

Jun 19, 2022 8:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

For me, that Wooz News video– almost certainly the one you’re referencing, and linked in this thread– is typical of the problematic nature of amateur (or amateurish) debunking videos.

Unlike my conventional relatives, who reject anything but The New York Times and NPR as obvious lunatic-fringe, tinfoil-hat conspiracy nuttiness, I am curious enough to watch them with an open mind. To be a bit more honest, I admit that I watch them to gratify my confirmation bias– that is, expecting them to validate my “truther” instinct that the official narrative is inevitably a manufactured Big Lie tapestry or collage composed of Little Big Lies.

When I watched that one, I was persuaded by the video evidence that the alleged murder of Ashli Babbitt was obviously staged and fake. But I was also bothered by the overall quasi-facetious tone and mix of video clips. I assume that the Wooz News creators would heartily agree that, apart from my qualms over the style of their presentation, the video raises more questions than it answers.

I’m not sure that “begs the question” is the correct term here, but at the end of the video I think of all of the loose ends that need to be nailed down, and potentially could be nailed down by traditional journalistic investigation methods. For instance, an investigative journalist– a specialized form of “private investigator”– could dig up reliable, mundane facts about Babbitt before, during, and especially after the alleged murder.

Yes, contrarian “truthers” have sporadically offered such background and contextual information. But, possibly because I’m an old head (67), I long for a more sober, methodical, meticulous, comprehensive, forensic investigation and follow up.

I had the same ambivalent response to, for instance, the Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon episodes. I’m convinced that those events are demonstrably fake, but the compelling amateur(ish) videos tendentiously couch their exposés in now-clichéd “false-flag”, “crisis actor”, etc. tropes. They’ve become a genre, and for me the problem is that the loose fact-finding and analysis practically writes itself.

I realize that even “alternative” professional investigative journalists flee from such controversies because they view them as risky career-destroying “(lost) causes”. Still, by now there ought to be incontrovertible evidence the either confirms that Babbitt was shot dead in the US Capitol on January 6th or not. But the debunking sources inevitably contain an abundance of “other shoes” that never satisfactorily drop. It’s frustrating.

Jun 19, 2022 6:43 PM

The break in at the Watergate was sadly not what we have been told for generations. It was a coup attempt, but not one that sought to keep Nixon in the White Hut. There are some books out there that go into that break in, how absolutely amateurish it was, how worthless it was as well – not like any big “secrets” were going to be found at the DNC headquarters after all. Many of those involved in that we also involved in the JFK assassination. Just one more lie that had some rather big consequences once all was said and done. Did removing Nixon from the White Hut accomplish any real change? Nope, the war in Vietnam did not stop on a dime for that. But it polarized the country, it made people in the US think they really did live in a democracy, it got out the vote and it too had long, tedious “hearings” staged by the owners at the top. A coup attempt? Yup. But not in the way we’ve been lead to think.

Besides, the whole Jan 6 thing was arranged on Facebook, for God’s sake. If that was a real coup attempt, it was a pretty lame one and could have been stopped at any time prior to the actual day. It wasn’t though. And it wasn’t meant to be stopped. It is meant to divide and conquer, and to make people think we really, really do live in a democracy. But democracy is scary, the “wrong people” might think they too have a right to vote in their own government, and we can’t have that. Even the “right people” are being taught to know better than that – the masters, who only have our best interests at heart as well as our safety, know better than we do. We are supposed to just shut the fuck up and get with their program, period. No more messy democracy (as if there really ever was one) will be tolerated.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 19, 2022 10:23 AM

The Trotters have bought it:


Biggest laugh:

“History makes urgently clear that the Democratic Party’s broader strategy is creating conditions in which would-be Führers thrive.”

They still don’t get it. But then again they’re not trying to get it. Since when did the US have any need of Führers?

Jun 19, 2022 1:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No way George. Del & Rodders dumbed-down in Peckham’s Mandela Towers… ?
P.M.T. breeds Trotters and Terrorist mindsets, in reliant Robins, so I thought…
We need more comedians in politics. More, more, more…
Andrea True Connection to mental manipulation. XYZ Xi-Yellen-Zelensky
Jimmy Dore for ’24’ or J.R.E. Taking the piss., before the sh8tstorm orchestrated,
‘Grand Designs’ destroy their fans…of rotating oscillators.
And install Air-cons, with Amazonian Drones,
Delivering your coke and medical prescriptions…
Big Farm styling, fornicating future markets, laying the seeds
For more more more market control of peoples’ minds.
Andrea True Connections to media matters,
& open society, with proud boys in gay colours…
* Sovereign Social Seduction * Began long ago.


George Mc
George Mc
Jun 19, 2022 10:14 AM

Latest telly news: victory for the French Left if not the French Far Left. So what does this signify? That the Right no longer have to play the role of grudging vax flogger? Now we have the eager Left pricks – in more ways than one?

Meanwhile the Financial Times is concerned that time is running out, the clock is ticking etc. And the soon to be obsolete vax will have to be updated to another soon to be obsolete vax whilst the Delta Mordor variant morphs into the Jimmy Savile Voldemort strain.

Jun 19, 2022 11:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The French left that might win many seats is indeed vax-compatible, even though its position of late has been a bit more ambiguous. It’s an unholy alliance including people who were pushing for mandatory injections for the whole population.

Jun 19, 2022 9:13 AM
Jun 19, 2022 8:53 AM

“In fact, a grand total of one of those “terrorists” even thought to bring a gun to the “coup.””

What happened about those pipe bombs? Part of the op that didn’t work – or always a fantasy?

Jun 19, 2022 8:48 AM

The United States of Amnesia.
They’ve forgotten what democracy really means.

Jun 19, 2022 1:40 PM
Reply to  Johnny

And they’ve forgotten what “We the People” means. Oh wait: they can’t actually forget something they never knew to begin with.

Jun 19, 2022 8:44 AM

I recall very well the internet 2 weeks previously to the build up of the above with the Q lot and Patriot (parrot) sites etc etc all talking about Trump and co backing the Jan 6th thing. He even sent out Tweets.

Shouldn’t surprise you his lot arranged it to create this outcome. January 6 ‘ Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’, the last day of Saturnalia at Epiphany.

Why is there an amnesia on this via the same lot who ridicule mainstream media yet do exactly the same .?

comment image

Jun 19, 2022 9:29 AM

Amnesia is forgetting that the whole paradigm (red/blue, left/right) is a manipulation, a show. As was Jan 6th.
You presume most here support Trump? I’d argue that most here see through the whole shit-show. Isn’t it time you did too?

On a side note, little is mentioned now of the fact that the leader of the proud boys is a ‘prolific’ FBI informant. Fortuitously arrested on Jan 4th and unable to personally coordinate his little patsy group taking part in the play on the 6th. Funny that.

Jun 19, 2022 11:23 AM
Reply to  Observe

Observe you haven’t
literally at Christmas they oFFG lead editor and co was implying Build Back Boris was trying to save xmas.
They is still very much lost in the enchantment and have no clue about the repeated rituals.
Neil Oliver Twist ShillBnews or Carson etc isnt going to educate you on that!
I presume many dont get the Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’, repeated ritual- prehaps it is maybe to deep for some.

BTW Last i looked proud boys was wearing O.T.O outfits.Then the Maga now makes even more sense.

Jun 19, 2022 11:25 AM
Reply to  Observe

Too darn true. Soros’ Networked slippery Soap Opera Sopranos,
Proud Boys, indeed, until the curtain falls, on their corney,
Comey Styled FBI private server principle…
Remember the Awan brothers lift shaft
government server depository ?!
Sigh, why hack, when heck, you can just
Replace whole servers in broad daylight,
Walzing in & out, like Mozart 🤣
Pass the soap…

Steph Amson
Steph Amson
Jun 19, 2022 2:42 PM

Q is an intelligence psyop as well as anonymous. That’s not to say that some sincere individuals didn’t join up believing they were legit.